Informasi Teknologi Jaringan

Wide Area Networks

Wide Area Networks

WANs are a network infrastructure that spans a wide geographical area. WANs are typically managed by service providers (SP) or Internet S...
Local Area Networks

Local Area Networks

LANs are a network infrastructure that spans a small geographical area. Specific features of LANs include: LANs interconnect end devices ...
Types of Networks

Types of Networks

Network infrastructures can vary greatly in terms of: Size of the area covered Number of users connected Number and types of serv...
Overview of Network Components

Overview of Network Components

The path that a message takes from source to destination can be as simple as a single cable connecting one computer to another,...
Topologi Diagram

Topologi Diagram

Diagram topologi wajib bagi siapa saja yang bekerja dengan jaringan. Mereka menyediakan peta visual tentang bagaimana jaringan terhubung. ...
Representasi Jaringan

Representasi Jaringan

Diagram jaringan sering menggunakan simbol, untuk mewakili berbagai perangkat dan koneksi yang membentuk jaringan. Diagram menyediakan cara ...
Media Jaringan

Media Jaringan

Komunikasi antar jaringan dilakukan pada media. Media menyediakan saluran tempat pesan berpindah dari sumber ke tujuan. Jaringan modern te...